Pencari Kerja
Pratinjau lowongan
Status lowongan saat ini:
Telah Ditutup
Semua Daftar Pekerjaan
Database Administrator
Sektor Bisnis: IT Consultant
PT. Tiga Daya Digital Indonesia (EKSAD Technology)
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Lebih dari 100 Karyawan
Bachelor's degree (S1) in Engineering/Computer Science or a related major with IPK/ score minimum 3.00
Have experience as an IT Database Engineer/ Database Administrator for at least 2 years
Can work under pressure, have teamwork personality, initiative thinking, and good communication
Have good analytical and logic
Have the ability to operate Linux and Windows
Have knowledge and experience in management Cluster Database PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, MySQL, and SQL Server
Have the ability and familiarity with Cloud Computing
Have the ability and knowledge to use Git or related tracking task
Priority to those who have a Certified Database
Don't have issue in Financial Industry
Informasi Tambahan
Pengalaman bekerja
1-3 tahun
Kandidat yang dibutuhkan
10 kandidat