Pratinjau lowongan
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Telah Ditutup
PT. Tiga Daya Digital Indonesia (EKSAD Technology)

Database Administrator

Sektor Bisnis: IT Consultant

PT. Tiga Daya Digital Indonesia (EKSAD Technology)
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Lebih dari 100 Karyawan


  • Bachelor's degree (S1) in Engineering/Computer Science or a related major with IPK/ score minimum 3.00
  • Have experience as an IT Database Engineer/ Database Administrator for at least 2 years
  • Can work under pressure, have teamwork personality, initiative thinking, and good communication
  • Have good analytical and logic
  • Have the ability to operate Linux and Windows
  • Have knowledge and experience in management Cluster Database PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, MySQL, and SQL Server
  • Have the ability and familiarity with Cloud Computing
  • Have the ability and knowledge to use Git or related tracking task
  • Priority to those who have a Certified Database
  • Don't have issue in Financial Industry
Informasi Tambahan
Pengalaman bekerja
1-3 tahun
Kandidat yang dibutuhkan
10 kandidat