PT Solusi Sinergi Digital

PT Solusi Sinergi Digital

Sektor Bisnis
Digital Teknologi
Jumlah Karyawan
Lebih dari 100 Karyawan
Website perusahaan

Deskripsi Perusahaan

PT. Solusi Sinergi Digital, Tbk or the one named "Surge" was founded under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia and is situated in South Jakarta. The company was established under the name of "PT Lucaffe Indonesia" as stated in the Deed of Establishment of PT Lucaffe Indonesia Number 21, dated September 6th, 2012, drawn up in the presence of Humberg Lie, S.H., S.E., M.Kn., Notary in North Jakarta. The Company's business activities focus on fiber optic network infrastructure, digital products and services, and fiber optic networks.

Surge offered its shares to...